- Druscowicz, Helene, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance.
- Fynn, Emily, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance.
- Krug, Gustav, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Ott, Louise, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Pinder, Wilhelm, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance.
- Robertson, Croom, a philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance.
- Salis, Meta von, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Salomé, Lou von, a German writer, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Seydlitz, Reinhart Freiherr von, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Zimmern, Helen, a British author, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance.
- Schenk, Mathilde, Friedrich Nietzsche's aunt.
- Burckhardt, Jacob, a Swiss historian, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Deussen, Paul, a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Eiser, Otto, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, a German writer, Friedrich Nietzsche's sister and correspondent.
- Fritsch, Theodor, a German political scientist, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Fuchs, Carl, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Gersdorff, Carl von, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Hillebrand, Karl, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Knortz, Karl, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Köselitz, Heinrich, a German composer, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend, correspondent and friend.
- Krug, Gustav, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Maier, Mathilde, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Mendès, Catulle, a Frenchman novelist and librettist, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Meysenbug, Malwida von, a German writer and author, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Nietzsche, Franziska, Friedrich Nietzsche's mother and correspondent.
- Ott, Louise, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Overbeck, Franz, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend, correspondent and housemate.
- Overbeck, Ida, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Rée, Paul, a German philosopher and physician, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Rohde, Erwin, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Salis, Meta von, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Salomé, Lou von, a German writer, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Schmeitzner, Ernst, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Seydlitz, Reinhart Freiherr von, Friedrich Nietzsche's acquaintance and correspondent.
- Spitteler, Carl, a Swiss writer and poet, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Stein, Heinrich von, a German politician, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Strindberg, August, a Swedish writer, novelist, playwright, author, photographer, poet, essayist, painter and screenwriter, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and influencee.
- Trampedach, Mathilde, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Wagner, Cosima, a German , Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Wagner, Richard, a German composer, writer, conductor, music critic, theatre director and author, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent, friend and influencer.
- Wiener, Heinrich, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent.
- Deussen, Paul, a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Gersdorff, Carl von, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Köselitz, Heinrich, a German composer, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend, correspondent and friend.
- Köselitz, Heinrich, a German composer, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend, correspondent and friend.
- Meysenbug, Malwida von, a German writer and author, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Overbeck, Franz, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend, correspondent and housemate.
- Rée, Paul, a German philosopher and physician, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Rohde, Erwin, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Wagner, Cosima, a German , Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and friend.
- Wagner, Richard, a German composer, writer, conductor, music critic, theatre director and author, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent, friend and influencer.
- Overbeck, Franz, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend, correspondent and housemate.
- Bataille, Georges, a Frenchman anthropologist, philosopher, librarian and screenwriter, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Bloom, Harold, an American writer, cultural critic, literary critic and critic, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Brandes, Georg, a Danish literary critic, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Deleuze, Gilles, a Frenchman philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Derrida, Jacques, a Frenchman philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Foucault, Michel, a Frenchman philosopher, writer and sociologist, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Habermas, Jürgen, a German philosopher and political scientist, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Heidegger, Martin, a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Jaspers, Karl, a German philosopher, psychiatrist and theologian, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Jung, Carl G, a Swiss philosopher, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and physician, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Kaufmann, Walter, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Klossowski, Pierre, a Frenchman novelist, writer, actor, artist, translator and screenwriter, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Kofman, Sarah, a Frenchman philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Kuçuradi, Ioanna, a Turkish philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- MacIntyre, Alasdair, a British philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Mencken, Henry L, an American writer, journalist and critic, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Nehamas, Alexander, an American philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Rosen, Stanley, an American philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Santayana, George, an American philosopher, writer, novelist and poet, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Seung, Tony K, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Simmel, Georg, a German citizen, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Sloterdijk, Peter, a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Soll, Ivan, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Steiner, Rudolf, an Austrian philosopher, architect and scientist, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Strauss, Leo, an American scientist, writer, philosopher, political scientist and professor, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Strindberg, August, a Swedish writer, novelist, playwright, author, photographer, poet, essayist, painter and screenwriter, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent and influencee.
- Vattimo, Gianni, an Italian philosopher, politician and author, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Wilson, Colin, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencee.
- Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, mathematician, physicist and scientist, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, a Russian writer, novelist, author and essayist, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich, a German novelist and poet, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Kant, Immanuel, a German philosopher and ethicist, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Lange, Friedrich Albert, a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Plato, a Greek philosopher, physicist and writer, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Socrates, a Greek philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Spinoza, Benedict de, a Dutchman philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's influencer.
- Wagner, Richard, a German composer, writer, conductor, music critic, theatre director and author, Friedrich Nietzsche's correspondent, friend and influencer.
- Nietzsche, Franziska, Friedrich Nietzsche's mother and correspondent.
- Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, a German writer, Friedrich Nietzsche's sister and correspondent.
- Schenk, Emil, Friedrich Nietzsche's uncle.
- Abbey, Ruth
- Acampora, Christa Davis
- Aeschylus, a Greek soldier and playwright.
- Allison, David B, a physician and professor.
- Althaus, Horst
- Anders, Anni
- Anderson, Jon
- Andler, Charles
- Ansell-Pearson, Keith
- Appel, Fredrick
- Arena, Leonardo Vittorio
- Aschheim, Steven E
- Babich, Babette E, an American philosopher.
- Bates, Donald L
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, a German composer, pianist, violist, musician, songwriter, lyricist and author.
- Behler, Ernst
- Benders, Raymond J
- Benson, Bruce E
- Bergmann, Peter
- Bergo, Bettina
- Berkowitz, Peter, an American political scientist.
- Bertram, Ernst
- Binion, Rudolph
- Bishop, Paul
- Blondel, Eric
- Blunck, Richard
- Böhler, Arno
- Bohley, Reiner
- Bollinger, Andrea
- Botwinick, Aryeh
- Bouchard, Donald F
- Brobjer, Thomas H
- Burgard, Peter J
- Byron
- Campioni, Giuliano
- Cancik, Hubert
- Capuzzi, Frank
- Carr, Jonathan
- Cate, Curtis
- Cauchi, Francesca
- Chamberlain, Lesley, a British citizen.
- Chauvelot, Diane
- Cicero, a politician, writer, philosopher, lawyer, statesman and orator.
- Clark, Maudemarie
- Cohen, Mark Daniel
- Colli, G
- Conway, Daniel W
- Cox, Christoph
- Danto, Arthur C, an American philosopher, art critic and professor.
- Darby, Tom
- De Loaiza, Robert
- De Man, Paul, an American philosopher.
- Democritus, a mathematician and philosopher.
- Detweiler, Bruce
- Diethe, Carol
- Donnellan, Brendan
- Dossor, Howard F
- Earl, Martin
- Eberwein, Dieter
- Egyed, Bela
- Eichberg, Ralf
- Emden, Christian J
- Euripides, a Greek playwright and writer.
- Ferry, Luc, a Frenchman politician and philosopher.
- Fink, Eugen, a German philosopher.
- Forth, Christopher E
- Franklin, A. Todd
- Frisch, Shelley
- Galindo, Martha Zapata
- Gaskell, Ivan
- Gaultier, Jules de, a Frenchman philosopher.
- Gemes, Ken
- Gendre, Michael
- Gerhardt, Volker
- Geuss, Raymond, a British philosopher.
- Gill, Gillian C, a writer.
- Gillespie, Michael Allen
- Gilman, Sander L, an American historian.
- Goch, Klaus
- Golan, Zev
- Golomb, Jacob
- Gooding-Williams, Robert, a political scientist.
- Gossman, Lionel
- Granier, Jean
- Green, Michael Steven
- Gregor-Dellin, Martin
- Guthke, K
- Haar, Michel
- Hales, Steven D
- Hamilton, John
- Hand, Seán
- Hanshe, Rainer J
- Hatab, Lawrence J
- Haufe, E
- Hayden, Deborah
- Hayman, Ronald, a British .
- Heise, Ulf
- Heller, Erich, a British writer and philosopher.
- Helm, Robert M
- Hesiod, an oral poet.
- Higgins, Kathleen Marie
- Hill, R. Kevin
- Hoffmann, David Marc
- Hollingdale, R. J, a British author.
- Hollinrake, Roger
- Homer, a Greek author, poet and writer.
- Hubbard, Stanley
- Humphrey, John F
- Hunt, Lester H
- Huskinson, Lucy
- Hutter, Horst
- Hyde, J. Keith
- Irigaray, Luce, a Frenchman philosopher, linguist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, teacher and writer.
- Janaway, Christopher
- Janz, Curt Paul
- Jarrett, James L
- Jones, Ben
- Jurist, Elliot L
- Kemal, Salim
- Kierans, Kenneth
- Koelb, Clayton
- Köhler, Joachim
- Krell, David Farrell
- Krüger, Gustav
- Krummel, Richard F
- Lachterman, D. R
- Laërtius, Diogenes, a doxographer and philosopher.
- Lampert, Laurence, an American citizen.
- Large, Duncan
- Lavrin, Janko
- Leiter, Brian, an American philosopher, law professor and professor.
- Lemm, Vanessa
- Levine, Peter
- Liébert, Georges
- Loiskandle, Helmut
- Lomax, J. Harvey
- Love, Frederick R
- Lovitt, William
- Löwith, Karl, a German citizen.
- Ludovici, Anthony M, a British writer.
- Mabille, Louise
- Macintyre, Ben, a British author and historian.
- Magee, Bryan
- Magnus, Bernd
- Mandel, Siegfried
- Martin, Nicholas
- May, Simon
- Mayer, J. R
- Miklowitz, Paul S
- Mileur, Jean-Pierre
- Mittmann, Thomas
- Mommsen, Theodor, a German historian, jurist, writer and archaeologist.
- Montinari, Mazzino, an Italian citizen.
- Moore, Gregory
- Moore, John
- Morgan, George Allen
- Moritz, Benjamin
- Müller-Lauter, Wolfgang
- Nabais, Nuno
- Norton, Robert E
- Oehler, Adalbert, a German citizen.
- Oettermann, Stephen
- O'Flaherty, James C
- Oliver, Kelly
- Olsen, Lance, an American writer and novelist.
- Ottmann, Henning
- Parent, David J
- Parkes, Graham
- Pasley, Malcolm
- Pearsall, Marilyn
- Pellauer, David
- Peters, H. F
- Pettey, John Carson
- Pfeiffer, E
- Pindar
- Pletsch, Carl
- Podach, E
- Porter, James I
- Pothen, Philip
- Quintillian, a writer.
- Ralph, R
- Rampley, Matthew
- Rapaport, Nigel
- Reginster, Bernard
- Rehn, Rudolph
- Renaut, Alain
- Rethy, Robert A
- Richardson, John
- Richter, Goetz
- Rickels, Laurence A, an American actor, film producer, screenwriter and professor.
- Ridley, Aaron
- Riedel, Manfred
- Roberts, Tyler T
- Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer
- Ross, Werner
- Safranski, Rüdiger, a German author.
- Sallis, John, an American philosopher.
- Santaniello, Weaver
- Sappho, a Greek lyric poet.
- Schaberg, William H
- Schacht, Richard
- Schaefer, Dirk, a Dutchman film director and film score composer.
- Schain, Richard
- Schiller, J. C. Friedrich von, a German philosopher, poet, playwright, physician, writer, historian and author.
- Schirnhofer, Resa von
- Schlechta, Karl
- Schmitz, Frederick J
- Schrift, Alan D
- Schurmann, Reiner
- Schutte, Ofelia
- Scott, Jacqueline
- Sedgwick, Peter R
- Sellner, Timothy F
- Shapiro, Gary
- Shaw, Tamsin
- Silk, M. S
- Simon, Sherry
- Simonides, a lyric poet.
- Simon-Ritz, F
- Sinhababu, Neil
- Small, Robin
- Smith, Daniel M
- Solomon, Robert C, an American philosopher.
- Sophocles, a Greek playwright.
- Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz
- Stack, George J
- Stackelberg, Roderick
- Stambaugh, Joan
- Staten, Henry
- Stauffer, Jill
- Steinbuch, Thomas
- Stern, F
- Stern, J. P, a British citizen.
- Stewart, Stanley
- Strathern, Paul, a British writer.
- Strong, Tracy B
- Swift, Paul A
- Tanner, Michael
- Taylor, Ronald
- Tejera, V
- Thatcher, David S
- Theognis of Megara
- Thiele, Leslie Paul
- Thucydides
- Trenkle, Franziska
- Ulbricht, J
- Ulfers, Friedrich
- Volz, Pia Daniela
- Waite, Geoff
- Wallraff, Charles F
- Weinstein, Deena
- Weinstein, Michael
- Welshon, Rex
- White, Alan
- Whitlock, Greg
- Whitman, James
- Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, Ulrich von
- Wilcox, John T
- Wistrich, Robert S, a professor and historian.
- Wood, David
- Yalom, Irvin, an American writer and scientist.
- Young, Julian
- Yovel, Yirmiyahu
- Zuckert, Catherine H
- Zupančič, Alenka, a Slovenian philosopher.